Student Version


Name: ____________________________         Date: ________________

Color Challenge Activity: Thinking about dragon color off-line

GenScope Materials: The Dragon Genome reference sheet

Now that you've worked through some tough color problems in GenScope,  here is a set of tough questions about dragon color.  Answer these questions off the computer, using only what you have learned so far and the Dragon Genome reference sheet, which describes the dragon genes and color possibilities.

1.       Is it possible for a gold dragon to have an azure baby?

Yes or No?

If so, list all the possible colors that the father could be:

Explain your answer.

2.       A gold firebreathing dragon and a Topaz non-firebreathing dragon want to have a baby girl that breathes fire.

  a.    Is it possible for them to have one? Answer yes or no then explain your answer.

b.    What genes are needed to produce a baby dragon like this?


3.       Is it possible for an emerald dragon to have an azure baby?

    If so, what are the possible colors the father dragon could be?     Explain.   4.       A gold dragon mates with a bronze dragon.  The bronze dragon's chromosomes look like this:   Aa/Bb.
These two dragons mate and produce a bunch of baby dragons (offspring).  List all of the possible colors for the babies below.  Include an explanation using the color genes involved.

5.       A gold dragon (which doesn't breathe fire) mates with a bronze dragon (which also doesn't breathe fire).  Can they have an amethyst baby which breathes fire?



6.       An emerald dragon which doesn't breathe fire and an azure dragon mate.  Would it be possible for them to produce a bronze dragon which does not breathe fire?

What genes do you need to produce a bronze dragon?

Why are there different sets of colors for male and female dragons?

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